Sandra Maitri
Diamond Heart Retreat Group 6 is no longer accepting new members, as too much material has been taught to be able to catch up. If you would like to put your name on a waiting list for the next retreat group, please send an email to Francoise@ridhwan.org.
To be broadcast October 30-November 9, 2017
A 3-day workshop in Seattle, April 13-15, 2018
Sandra Maitri is an artist, an author, an enneagram teacher, and a long time teacher of the Diamond Approach® to Inner Realization. She was among the first group of students to whom the Chilean psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo presented the enneagram system in the United States in the early seventies. She has been teaching the enneagram as part of the larger work of spiritual transformation for over four decades.
Sandra leads Diamond Approach® groups and enneagram workshops for hundreds of students each year in the United States and Europe. Her first book became a classic of its kind, bringing to the burgeoning genre of enneagram literature one of its most spiritually grounded voices. The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram: Nine Faces of the Soul, was published in 2000, and her second book, The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues: Finding the Way Home was published in 2005, both by by Tarcher/ Putnam Penguin.

Sandra Maitri is the only prominent teacher of the system of the enneagram to have learned it when it was originally taught by Claudio Naranjo, M.D., beginning in 1970. She is currently a supervising teacher of the Diamond Approach® to Inner Realization, leading groups in the San Francisco Bay Area and in the United Kingdom. In her free time she paints and is working on a memoir.
Sandra became involved in spiritual work when she began studying with Dr. Naranjo, a pioneer of the consciousness movement, in 1970 while still in art school. Naranjo was one of the first to incorporate psychology into spiritual practice, relying primarily on the understanding contained within the enneagram system for the psychological portion of his teaching. READ MORE >>>